ინგლისური ვინც იცით

ინგლისური ვინც იცით

კითხვა N991078 9 პასუხი ცოტა მაინც გადამითარგმნეთ gandhi bad an extraordinary power to make people follow him. he showed that non-violence was a great and strong force for change. gandhi gave his life to help the people of india. he lived in love, peace and truth, and his biliefs still continiu to change people's lives. gandhi was one of the most influentilal leaders and civil rights campaigners that the world has ever know. this biography tells the story of gandhi's life and achievements, from the policy of non-violent action that lead india to independence from british control, to his work on reducing poverty, improving women's rights and the building of religious and ethnic unity