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გადამითარგმნეთ გთხოვთ

კითხვა N968050 0 პასუხი during the past eight years i have watched my friend sherlok holmes at work on more than seventy cases. the most unusual is the case connected with the well-known Surrey family, the Roylotts of Stoke Moran. the events there happened not long after i first met holmes, before my marriage, when we were sharing rooms in Baket Street. Early in april 1883 i woke one morning and found Sherlock holmes standing, fully dressed , by the side of my bed. he normally got up quite late, but the cklock showed that it was only a quarter past seven, so i looked up at him in some surprise. "what is it? i asked. "A fire"? "no . a young lady has arrived in a great state of excitement, and wants to see me. when young ladies visit people at this early hour, i imagine that they want to talk about something vety important. if this becomes an interesting case, you may want to follow it from the beginning. so i thought that i should call you.